

Two Poems | Mazarine Treyz

Winslow Homer, Indian Village, Wikimdia Commons

Light sensations

To put among the stars
A constellation
Reaching out
A chartreuse wave runs
Eagerly touching
The mountains on Jupiter
It houses itself
In a dormant stage
These little balls blown hither and thither
Bursting their coats
Naked again
A flower spreading its petals
Lipping outward rippled edges
Dramaturgy in small things
A skirt throwing itself
Into a dance
Around and around
Spinning and looking
Who will I thrust myself into next
To play with the patterns of existence and
Arrange them in new and original ways
So you induce the dark to emit
So many gleaming nuances
In a purple sky, in green lightning flashes
You show the aching pulse of each passing moment
I notice your simplicity
And your activity
In the service of images that fill you
They lead you mysteriously onward
And somehow I am discovering you-
With the point of my pen

Certainly Not

I am certainly not thinking of
The luxuries of your table
The sausages, cheeses, olives
Lamb, chicken skewers, salad or anything so delicious
Nor am I thinking of the beehive inside my dress-
Living in perpetual fluctuation, excitation and tension
At a high temperature, with an animating self-heat
Closely packed, vibrating incessantly
Putting into luminous form
What the multitude inarticulately feels-
Jostling inside: conflicting impulses to get
An intimacy and spiritual nearness- or run away
A heroic passion or fantastical daring-causes us to
Approach but then reject
the couch
For sensual gratification elsewhere
Certainly not remembering
Your excited eyes and smile-from time to time
Anarchy from above
So far we have hardly mentioned your body- This was intentional for
You are a world unto yourself
That we must explore slowly!
Then your tongue between my thighs
My arms outstretched, back arched, crying out
Is it a fact, or is it a problem?
Does it slide between being one and being another?
Rashly I fall on you, and the inexhaustible
Foaming joy of your body, overripe and sensual
Breaks apart under my fingers

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