

In Translation | Poetry | Jose Manuel SÁNCHEZ


Sabin Balasa, Atlantis, Wikiart 



Quiciabes dalgún día
                                                lleas les mios pallabres.
                                                nun sedrán pallabres.
                                                atoparás namái l’escombru
                                                d’esti poema
                                                que surdió pente la borrina
dende’l pasáu,
                                                comu les pantasmes.
                                                Aporta la nueche sele.
                                                Degola’l día ensin dexar güelgues,
                                                comu esti versu…


                                                Maybe one day
                                                you will read my words.
                                                they will not be words.
                                                you will find only the rubble
                                                of this poem
                                                which has emerged
                                                from the fog,
                                                from the past,
                                                like the ghosts.
                                                Night comes gradually.
                                                The day goes away
                                                without leaving traces,
                                                like this verse…


                                               XENTE / SOLOMBRES

                                               Delles persones
                                               a les solombres.
                                               Nun pescancien
                                               lo que ye la lluz
                                               -la poesía-
                                               de la que tan feches.
                                               Quiciabes, nel fondu,
                                               nun seyan persones.
                                               Quiciabes, nel fondu,
                                               la lluz namái seya
                                               la braera Atlántida
                                               apaez nos mapes.

                                               PEOPLE  / SHADOWS

                                               Some people
                                               are similar
                                               to the shadows.
                                               They do not understand
                                               what is the light
                                               of which they are made.
                                               Perhaps, ultimately,
                                               they are not persons.
                                               Perhaps, ultimately,
                                               light is only
                                               the real Atlantis
                                               which never appears
                                               in the maps.


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