

New | Poetry | Atreyee Majumder

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America, summer is here now
Your sobs muffled in flowers now
Lovers kiss on skateboards
And the recession smiles
Your shopping carts brim
Your beards trimmed
Your beaches abound
Your towers aground
Your daddy loves you
Your pajamas are new
Black and blue.

America, you killed the sinner
You washed your hands
You kissed me tender
You brushed
You hushed
Me to sleep.

I memorized my credit card numbers
in my dream
When you fucked me tender
America, summer is here now
I hiked a few miles
to see the world as if I were tall
And then came down
And gathered all my stuff
My credit cards, keys, underwear
Forgot my phone
It rang
In the dream
As you shoved it in
I wore a hat
In the dream
My thrift store dress
On the floor
Of an elevator
America, your big dick
As the phone rang.


Found in a torn envelope
of ripped-out toenails.
As if a birthday gift.
Rotten with time
but loved still
in hiding.
Through cracks of daylight
and agile cats
and pencil shavings
in bookbinders.
These webs of time,
found in the folds of scarves and hairs.
Your dead toenail
shaved out
in inches, is
now a monument.

   I have Plans

We are the hungry generation
Hang on
We are hungry
Can you hear me?
Line is unclear
Are you home?
I’m home
I’m busy
I have plans
Five year plans
Ten year plans
I have a plant if you will
-     A dead plant.
I type in the comfort of its warm corpse.
Do corpses get hungry?
We are the hungry generation.
We hate you.
Your broken pencil
Bald spot
Tender loving attention
Constitutive openings.
We’ve locked the door of the kitchen cabinet.
The door is locked.
The food is in there.
It rained.
We bled.
There was blood on the dance floor
Time and time again
We played DJ Heebi Jeebie
Some Oriental bullshit
Hungry for music
Hungry for love
Love on the dance floor
Tsk tsk tsk
Love in the time of Hungary.
I was just in Budapest for my honeymoon
The moon was yellow
We bled out some hungry love
At lunch, we parted.
I kept the bangles
They make me hungry
On balmy evenings
I dream of mosquitoes
Some Oriental bullshit
On a four post bed.
I have plans tonight.

  Date Knight

I walk these dunes across the clock
The clock of a millennium
This clock is my friend
My most hearty friend
From the Republic of madness.

For a millennium,
I have been looking for Radhika
Radhika whose braid hung out of the
Calcutta tramline
She had limpid sad eyes
Illustrated by a schoolgirl braid.

It has been many clocks now
I walk in and walk out
Of the many wristholds of Radhika.
The Calcutta tramline is my friend
It reminds me of the many clocks
That burnt out
Running with me.

Thank you clocks,
I say, in dried tears.
I have stopped counting
For counting was my first sin
Never count my friends! Never ever!

O clocks I am sorry
For I tried to use time for counting
Time is the veil of Radhika
The unveiling of which was my second sin
Hey Radhika,
You wanna get coffee sometime?
Anytime, anywhere.

I promise I won’t look at the waitress.


If tomorrow comes
I will be the dry leaf teardrop crystal
Right by the stairwell
Thick dust all over, broken glass pane, sobbing faintly to brother History
If tomorrow comes
You will be pulling along a perambulator and shopping cart/
pigtails and dreamy eyes.
If tomorrow comes
I will be the industrial warehouse
Dried soot on furnace
Waiting for the delight of limestone;
I will be the rocky bed in the rivulet that was
Young weed on temple deity
Pulled down cars of the 80's.
If tomorrow comes
I will be the ash-heap of today.

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