

Poetry | For the Dark Times | Sutputra Radheye

Nepali Boy

The end
           I kill you
Today is your last day
(Nepali Boy)
-         Taken from  a wall in Delhi

Kill me
          hang me
                 in your universities
                     and mohallas
                      like garlands
of mustaches
Bury in your soil
             my face
                   my skin
                        my accent
                       my dress
              my voice
my identity
           and the map
                      you’ve drawn
                                     as India, ever since.

I am an Indian

I am an Indian
I’ve always been since the time when Radcliffe drew his line
I’ve swam across the Brahmaputra
I’ve danced in the rain of Sohra
I’ve woken to the sunrise of Arunachal
I’ve heard the singing of the Hornbill
I’ve played Yubi Lakpi when I was a kid
I’ve held the bamboo staves in Cheraw
I’ve prayed in the temple of Unakoti
And in the Rumtek monastery

I’ve fought the white colonizers
I’ve celebrated the tri-colour

My body is as Indian as yours.


There will be fire
and blood-sheet
when you'll walk
across the street
to meet me, Priyotoma.

When you come
leave your identity behind
throw your gods away
and be naked
like a soul in time stream
dear Priyotoma.

I shall wait, in nudity,
wearing no chord
that obstructs
my heart to embrace you
in the colour of your tongue
my honey- my Priyotoma.

Jaapi and roshogollas-
let them fight
like scavengers
and we shall love
like cuckoos         
in kamdeva's gate,
my lips singing
in your language
and yours
in mine,
a language
of waves
beloved Priyotoma.


a bangal
      in the protest
      and a miyah
                died in the queue
  of NRC
       alongside an axomiya
                          whose papers were eaten
   by the Brahmaputra.


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