

New | Two Poems | Athira Unni

Write, Write, Write! 

Write like there's no tomorrow
With the scraping of chairs 

Around you, there isn't anything 
But love, and lots of HATE (love) 

Better, it will be. 
Sambhavaami Yuge Yuge. 

You will get a signed copy, yes 
Because it will be done 

By Penguin, you see. 
There will be a Pooja done 
In your honour, I will last, you see

Write, this is your anthem 
This is the way of the world! 

Wash the dishes!
Of course, the house will be cleaned 

There will be enough material 
For the whole world 

You see, this is the will 
For a world to flow 

In your own personal way. 
There will be a way for this world. 

It is to flow.. flow like a river, 
Shave and shake and give food, 
For the author is writing!

Be silent and speak. Is that 
Your thing? No, mine. 

I am the usual. I am the usual thing. 
It is the HUNGRY lies that speak. 


Mashaal Juloos

Alight the slogan-chariots and march!
Your rights are denied, and your friends',
Who raised fists stuffed with soil,
So speak! Until your tongue faints 
And then pick up a pen, and write. 

In the river of lighted fire-torches
I saw the shadow of truth, of love, 
A mother's love could be obligatory
A father's love, one of fear and care 
But your love, is of Anger and it lives.

Anger for what's wrong, to be bettered. 
Raising slogans i.e. dragons into air;
The anger rises and breathes down 
Upon the stalwarts, rattles their chairs!
Anger on. None will support you.

So, anger on.

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