

Poems | Akhu Chingangbam

Photo Credit: Lee La


A sparrow saw me naked
And flew away
Before I could bribe it,
Now I don’t know
What will be the rumour in this town

Then You Came

When spring left,
Love left the town
And everything looked so pale and sad
And I did not want to live.
My heart ceased to beat.

Then you came
In the month of May
Wearing little earrings
Of heart shape
One was mine
One was yours

I am from Imphal

Met an old man
He cried "I ran from Bihar
to Bangladesh during partition
then they called me Pakistani

Then I hitch-hiked all the way
To Pakistan
Just for them to call me refugee
Now I am here with no country to call mine"

He asked me what is your story
I said, ‘I am from Imphal’

Met a widow from Orissa
She cried, "they killed him
Inside the Church
For he served the lord all these years"

Met a man from Chattisgarh
He cried "I had a home in Lalgarh
They burnt it down
Raped my wife, killed the cattle"

They asked me what is your story
I said, ‘I am from Imphal’

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