

Poems | Lorri Primavera

Source :


You have betrayed me
I am a prisoner in your walls
When you stripped me naked of my clothes dignity and my love for you
Things will never be the same between us
You have betrayed me
 and things will never be the same between us

3 Haiku

Hernandez sits quietly
He doesn't speak much English
Our smiles meet

Slipper socks
Hospital socks
Slowly slouching off my feet

Sun shines outside
Leaves move in the breeze
I sit locked inside
shivering in my hospital robe

Jack Kerouac and Day 2

Jack you old fella roma through the Americas
Jack you old romantic old love in New Mehico, Califonee, NY streets
 all love
Jack you beat old tattered flannel
Jack you get me through Day 2

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