

8 Haiku| Rochelle Potkar


graffiti walls –
no memories of
a plain blue sky

handwoven sky
the thread-knots
on her tunic

train window–
a raindrop stretches 
into eternity

beetle drone . . .
the gleaming dome 
of Dad's coffin

traffic snarl -
I remember the song
of estuaries 

fading moon . . .
the head count ritual
of stolen children

the way pink orchids
blossom into periwinkles

autumn whirlwind –
a child grabs at her
candy floss

^First published in Haibun Today, Volume 8, Number 4, December 2014
* First published in bottle rockets, 2015
~Honorable mention in the haiku contest 2014, Tata Literature Live

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